We are happy to know that your institution is interested in being part of the Northeast Network for Training in Family Health – RENASF. The network has a welcoming spirit and collaborative work on the theme of training in family health. We would like to clarify that, for an institution to join the network, it is necessary to:

1 – Send the documentation (ADHESION TERM) duly signed;

2 – Send or in writing, or in audio or video format, the motivation of interest in joining RENASF so that it can be presented at the Network Management Collegiate Meeting;

3 – Indicate a RENASF Institution that can present its Institution at the RENASF General Collegiate Meeting (a kind of sponsor institution). Traditionally, an Institution already belonging to the Network presents the Institution that wants to join.

For more information about the Northeast Network for Training in Family Health – RENASF, check out the documentation provided below regarding RENASF: