RENASF – Institutional Video
A brief history
The Brazilian Northeast, and especially the State of Ceará, has a successful history of implementing the FHS, having been one of the first to adopt this strategy in the scope of primary health care. In the field of knowledge generation it has developed a critical mass of actors in the professional area, teaching in undergraduate and graduate courses in health professions, with the Family Health Strategy (ESF) as its central core.
Through a process of national expansion of Fiocruz, a Fiocruz unit in Ceará was installed in 2008. Among the objectives of this new unit, established in the understandings maintained since 2007, between the State Government and the Foundation Oswaldo Cruz, was the Strengthening and qualification of Primary Health Care. Since then, Fiocruz in Ceará has worked extensively on the theme, including specific public tenders for researchers with a family health / primary care profile.
Fiocruz CE led the mobilization of higher education institutions in the Northeast, municipal and state health secretariats, science and technology secretariat, council of municipal health secretaries and technical health schools. This movement culminated in the creation of the Northeast Family Health Network (RENASF) in 2009, which aims to encourage research and teaching in the field of family health, enhancing the education / training actions in this field of knowledge, once that those institutions had already accumulated experiences at other levels, such as specialization, medical residences and multiprofessionals.
RENASF chose to work with the professional training modality from the beginning, as it understood the need to build bridges and connections between the practical / concrete reality of the Family Health Strategy and scientific knowledge. Thus, the option for the Professional format reinforced, since its birth, the desirable partnership between RENASF and the municipal managers, and the commitment to the strengthening of health-school networks, that is, educational and service institutions.
Thus, one of the first RENASF initiatives was the creation of the Professional Master’s in Family Health (MPSF), in an association network with public higher education institutions in the northeast, with FIOCRUZ as the proponent of the proposal approved by CAPES in 2010 MPSF, grade 4 in CAPES, has counted, since its first class, with the support and funding of the Ministry of Health’s Labor Management and Health Education (SGTES). The MPSF trained 94 masters in its 1st class and 128 in the 2nd a class. This is carried out in public higher education institutions (Fiocruz, UFMA, UFPI, UFC, UECE, UVA, URCA, UFRN and UFPB), present in five northeastern states – Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba. Likewise, the third class is underway, with a total of 190 professionals.
The program offer, with multiprofessional groups and biweekly two-day meetings, interspersed with educational activities developed in the family health teams to which they are linked, enables professional performance in a way that is concomitant with the training process, and thus promotes the formulation of solution strategies and shared identification of the main problems in the studied territory. This characteristic tightens ties between the service and the academy, and allows the translation of knowledge to occur more quickly. The differentiated profile of graduates from this level of education has enabled the qualification of the work carried out with the Family Health Strategy.
According to data from the Ministry of Health’s e-Manager of primary care, in March 2019, there were 42,683 FHS teams in the country, totaling a national coverage of 63.5%. In the case of the Northeast, there are 15,493 teams, covering 79.34% of the region. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) teams have recently faced new challenges in the health demands of the population. The growing rate of violence and resurgence of diseases and illnesses previously controlled coexist with the needs of attending actions in the complex scenario of primary health care. These new challenges, as well as the social inequities in our country, especially in the Northeast of Brazil, imply that postgraduate programs, especially professionals, are important challenges to be studied, which is the focus of the professional postgraduate program of RENASF.
Contribute to health training from the perspective of the professional development of the Family Health Strategy; reinforce the relationship between training actions and health work management; & nbsp; and strengthen collegiate bodies for articulation, dialogue, negotiation and interinstitutional agreement, with a view to strengthening the Unified Health System.
Participating Institutions
RENASF’s work is developed through intense institutional articulation with active collaboration of 30 participating entities, located in seven different states, six of which are in the northeast region (AL, CE, MA, PB, PI and RN) and one state in the region. north (AC) of Brazil.
AC | Universidade Federal do Acre | UFAC | |
AL | Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas | UNCISAL | |
CE | Centro Universitário Christus | Unichristus | |
CE | Conselho das Secretarias Municipais de Saúde do Ceará | COSEMS/CE | |
CE | Conselho Nacional dos Secretários de Saúde | CONASS | |
CE | Escola de Formação em Saúde da Família Visconde de Sabóia | EFSFVS | escola-visconde-de-saboia |
CE | Escola de Saúde Pública de Iguatu | ESPI | ESPI |
CE | Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará | ESP-CE | |
CE | Faculdade de Medicina de Juazeiro do Norte | FMJ | |
CE | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz | FIOCRUZ | |
CE | Fundação Universidade Estadual do Ceará | UECE | |
CE | Instituto Leão Sampaio | UNILEÃO | |
CE | Secretaria de Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação do Ceará | SECITECE | |
CE | Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Ceará | SESA | |
CE | Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola de Fortaleza Secretaria Municipal de Saúde | SMSE-SMS / MS | SMSE-SMS / MS |
CE | Universidade de Fortaleza | UNIFOR | |
CE | Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú | UVA | |
CE | Universidade Federal da Integração Luso-Afro-Brasileira | UNILAB | |
CE | Universidade Federal do Cariri | UFCA | |
CE | Universidade Federal do Ceará | UFC | |
CE | Universidade Regional do Cariri | URCA | |
CE | Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem - Ceará | ABEN | |
MA | Universidade Federal do Maranhão | UFMA | |
PB | Universidade Estadual da Paraíba | UEPB | |
PB | Universidade Federal da Paraíba | UFPB | |
PB | Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | UFCG | |
PI | Universidade Federal do Piauí | UFPI | |
RN | Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte | UERN | |
RN | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | UFRN | |
RN | Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido | UFERSA | |